Monday, January 3, 2011


A very close intellectual friend of mine recently made me wonder about the thinking and the gears that revolve around the mind of the common people. For the people who cant think 'Outside the Box', or even better, in the words of William Shakespeare, "commoners".

Every man knows that there is a drastic change in decision making and thought processes when a simple variant in the context changes. I know I am being a little non comprehensive, I'll elaborate. Lets take a simple court case for example, unlike India, the United States has a jury system of evolving and eventually giving a verdict to the accused. But has anyone thought about how this can be so faulty? (Plus this brings to my point of what the 'herd mentality' really means) Now I give you the first instance, both sides have male lawyers and majority of the jury is female. Understand one basic thing, the jury are 'common' people, they don't understand complex scientific words and technical jargon, neither do they understand the complex workings of the very judicial system for which they have been selected to give a verdict for.

So, this can turn out only two ways, in 98% of the times where both sides have male lawyers, the one with the better literary or the one with the better looks wins, with looks being more important. Now, what if we take the lawyer who wins these kinda cases, and put him against a female lawyer, 85% of the times the verdict goes to the lady.

So my point exactly, the cases maybe the same, the verdict has changed with a simple constant being changed, sexual organs and basically the gender.

Exactly the same way, I say the same thing, people have perceptions that keep changing about the most trivial of all facts. Like till the 19th century we thought that the Earth was the center of the universe. How did that perception change? With a simple help from innovation.

So it doesn't take that much to change the views of a person, I know this fact and use this on a daily basis, in my sales background to score clients, or get better connections, because I know the secret to it all, every mans thought process lies in his emotional side.

This blog may come out very vague and bland, but if you've understood what I have meant, and start implementing this, I assure you, you're going to seriously be one of the most famous guy/girl around. (Not that being famous is everything) But its publicity in the end right? :)


Thanks Kushal!