Saturday, September 18, 2010

The queer little think called 'Love'

Crush, Infatuation and what not other words that we come through when we are adolescent. But is Love the real thing that comes out of liking someone? Now you may very literally get confused by the use of Love. Parents and friends alike, we love a lot of people around us, but here am referring to the real deal. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach in anticipation of a simple text message, or the numb feeling that you get when he/she shares with you, how unbreakable that 'bond' you share has become.

If you guys are wondering, Yes! I'm in love. So whats wrong in that? I mean its a feeling that doesn't show up much in my monotonous and robotic life, but its the thing that keeps me going. She told me, Paolo Coelho says, 'If you can see that beam of light on the left shoulder of the person who you have feelings for, are real soul mates'. As an agnostic I totally believe in that, may be soul mates do exist, but I have found mine, and it feels good. Where not a sound is required to speak, vision not required to see and presence not required to feel, that is true Love.

Not the adolescent terms that we keep hearing. Very frankly I've used this term 'Love' so many times, to woo girls, to get close to them, heck! to even get into their pants. But now do I understand the actual significance. I thought Love was just fictitious, cannot exist and cannot be understood, a tool for the weak hearted. But I was so wrong!

It is such a strong word, that brings peace of mind amidst chaos, steady thinking amongst confusion and very importantly a will and a purpose to live and do better. I've always been fickle minded and idiotic about my decisions in life, always did what I wanted to do and never gave a fuck about another being in the world. But that has steadily changed. Now I have kept a job for more than 2 months, I have gone back to reading, I respect people a lot more now, I have started studying again, I've become more dedicated. The uninteresting don't seem uninteresting anymore, the boring don't seem boring anymore, I listen to songs I've never heard before (Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun), I even try to lose weight, something which I have never done!

People say long distance relationships don't work, I say screw them! Sometimes in life you got to run before you can walk. And this is more than run, this is like a sprint of hasty decisions, feelings and much more. I know this aint like my usual posts, because you haven't laughed as yet. But this thing has been inside me for a long time. I thought of sharing this thing, with you guys, so that you don't miss your train, like I almost did.

Just remember, Everyone says life's too complicated, but have we really tried to sit and untangle it? Think before we act we say, but do we? We preach, but do we practice? Lets become a little more sensitive guys, a little more affectionate and a lot more adorable. I love you you all, but especially you!

P.S. I found her, hiding in plain sight. Hence sometimes we gotta check our side of the fence before we venture out eh? :)

I promise you the next post will surely be a little more friendly and a lot funnier. But this one was for me and her! :) I Love You Dear! Mwwwwwaaaah!

1 comment:

  1. hehe :D Good one!! sure she's really happy reading this =))
