Monday, September 20, 2010

Thinking is such a waste of time!

'I was thinking...'. Now that spells trouble doesn't it. I remember how frightened I used to get when my teacher back in school used to start a sentence like that, because it usually ended with, 'we should send him to another class' or 'we should make him sit separately' because I talked too much! How stupid a reason is that, I was always quick at making friends, and no matter who they seat me with or no matter what class they sent me to, it never worked, I always was outspoken and I always was good at making friends quickly! :)

I remember this time when I was shifted to this other division, because my teachers thought I was a 'bad influence' on the classroom (Std 9 , Div B), and I made it very noisy. And I spent 2 weeks in the new classroom (Std 9 , Div G), and I dont know if you call that coincidence or my doing, but that class turned to one of the nosiest and chaotic classes to ever be. During an examination in my new class (Biology test to be precise), my paper was found on some other dude's table and we both got fucked! If I remember we had normal lash backs and apart from that a '-5 marks' on our test papers (The test was out of 10 and was gonna be counted in our finals). We both scored 5 on 10 even after the penalty. Everyone was confused back then, but now I can confess, the dude copied from me, and I copied from a more reliable source, 'The Textbook". hahahahahaha!   I am so sorry mam! :D :)

(I am so sorry, that was totally out of context, but I just remembered that! ! ! :D )
back to the topic...
This line is one of those 'starting a sentence to fuk u up later' lines. No matter what comes out the other end, the guy on the receiving end is always in trouble. And the only reaction to come out of this situation is 'Fuck You!'. How many have you had this line?..."I was thinking that we should just be friends'. Thats what I mean man! Those 3 words put together do more damage than the taliban and the Indian Mujahideen put together! Just cruel! I've had those punch lines 'punched' onto my face, and the feeling my friends aint that great. :|

Why do the cunt muscles have to be so polite when delivering such a blow? It feels like castrating a guy with a rose petal.(If that made sense, I suspect ur smiling by now). How can be 3 words that have no significance whatsoever individually, make us all its bitches? FUCK!

Why cant they just be straight forward and tell us without using this? I mean u can try and heal the wound after; Have we ever heard anyone using air freshener before farting? NO! Atleast we know whats coming then, because otherwise we are so hopeful but later its like a huge block of ice rested on our crotch. Have you ever seen a dog's reaction when he senses food, but gets none because all he was smelling was his smelly owners body odor.

So my people, if you have to hit someone just hit him already. Stop making 10 stories about it! Being gentle helps but not being a contradictorial asshole! (If that is even a word!)

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